Angled Offload Expand-O-Turn
February 5, 2019
Wash Rack Can Lifter
March 26, 2019The RonI team is adding another tradeshow to our plate….Promat 2019 in Chicago, IL. We are extending a FREE registration pass which can be collected by entering your information HERE.
Our team would love to schedule time with you in our booth during Promat 2019 (April 8th – 11th). Reply back to Info@Roni.com if interested in scheduling booth time during this show to discuss your Material Handling needs (specifically roll handling, bag handling, etc).
Check out our YouTube page and watch our demonstration videos…..
The RonI Products Team,
Why Attend Promat 2019?
“ProMat is where manufacturing and supply chain professionals come to to find their supply chain WOW – that trend or technology that will take their supply chain to the next level of success.
Only at ProMat, you can:
–Experience the latest innovations from over 1,000 solution providers
–Build strong business partnerships with suppliers from around the world
–See hands-on demonstrations of the latest technologies and innovations
ProMat 2019 is the one show where you will see in person, in action the best solutions and innovations the industry has to offer and meet the leading providers face-to-face. Whatever solutions you need to succeed, from manufacturing innovation to supply chain inspiration, it’s all at ProMat. Come see what’s next. Come find your WOW.” – MHI website